Work With Me

Episode #140: The Ultimate Reset

Dec 03, 2024





With New Year’s Day fast approaching, we often feel that gust of excitement for a fresh start—a clean slate to redefine goals and reignite our motivation. But what if you could harness the energy of a “reset” without waiting for January 1st or even Monday morning? In this episode, I’m diving into why overachievers and perfectionists love fresh starts and how to break free from the “reset trap” to create sustainable wellness and weight loss progress any day of the week.

Discover how to leverage your brain’s love of possibility while learning a two-step framework for the Ultimate Reset—a powerful approach to ditch the cycle of starting over and finally build unstoppable momentum toward your goals.

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Get the Hormones Training:




What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why fresh starts feel so good—and how they might be keeping you stuck.
  • The hidden trap of getting stuck in the “planning phase.”
  • How to overcome fear of mistakes and build self-trust.
  • A practical framework for resetting on any day of the week (yes, even Friday!).
  • The transformative ripple effect of these skills on your relationships, career, and beyond.


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Featured on the Show:

  • Want to work with me? Learn about The Burn Stress, Lose Weight Group by clicking here. 
  • Get the Hormones Training by clicking here.

Download the full transcript here.



    With New Year's right around the corner. I am beyond excited about today's podcast episode conversation. The topic we're talking about, it is the ultimate reset. I really think about myself as having like the VIP members pass to the overachievers type a perfectionist club, because I don't know about you, but I literally love a good reset. I love January 1st. I love Monday mornings. I love birthdays because it is this very natural pause in the calendar year where we can. reassess some of our goals. We can recommit, we can bring in a new energy. I call this activation energy into hitting some big goals that maybe we haven't hit yet. And I decided to record this podcast episode, this episode is dropping the very first week of December because we have a whole month before January and that new year's excitement that a lot of us experience with resolutions, especially when it comes to your body and weight loss goal. And I wanted to talk about this specific concept. I call it the ultimate reset because I really think it is going to not only help you year round. I get the sense it is going to help you start hitting your goals, wellness, weight loss on and off the scale. even before the clock strikes midnight on January 1st. Now, I don't want your reset to be surface level. If you want habits to stick, if you want wellness and weight loss, whatever results you create in the new year to actually last a lifetime, I We want those changes and that habit that you want to incorporate to be inside out, which means that I want you to understand how to leverage your hormone pathways. So a quick announcement before we jump into the ultimate reset, I have created a brand new training. It is going to help you really understand your hormone pathways that are impacting your wellness and weight loss. It is going to help you leverage. Some very specific changes that you can start making in your life to actually optimize your hormone health, optimize your weight loss results, optimize your wellness, because what I am finding across the board, this is something I saw in my practice as an OBGYN physician. It is definitely something I'm seeing all over the internet. That when you hit mid thirties into your forties and fifties, it is very normal that you start feeling a little bit different. Your mood changes. Maybe your energy levels change. You feel a dip in your focus and absolutely in your weight loss results. So while your age, your ethnicity, your gender. does play a role in your hormone health. You don't have to be powerless. And what the intention of this training is you don't have to chase the hormone rabbit or a phlebotomist down the rabbit hole. I'm getting into the three most important hormone pathways that you need to know about so that you can uplevel your weight loss and wellness results in 2025. And I want you to know that it is changes that you can start making literally this week. So you can start feeling better right now. So if you have not yet grabbed this training, do not wait. Pause this episode right now. Make sure you head over to H O R M O N E S is plural because we are getting into more than one hormone. So it's forward slash hormones with an S go and grab that training. It is an immediate on demand training. So I'm not delivering this like normally I ask you to, you know, schedule your time and put our masterclass on your calendar. I decided in December that I did not want to do this as a live class, because I know how busy the holidays get, especially for professional women, for working moms, I made this an on demand class that you can literally go and binge watch right now. It is 30 minutes long. It is value packed with science backed, evidence based medicine. I talk about gimmicks and fads that you are reading about and listening to on TikTok and Instagram. Because if you are chasing labs, I promise you, we are really losing out on an opportunity to uplevel certain very, very simple things you can start doing so you can start feeling better on and off the scale. And one more announcement before we get into today's episode, because this really touches on today's topic, which is the ultimate reset, the Unstoppable group's next cohort is starting on January 12th and the best news, this is kind of exciting for me, you can actually claim a spot in that group right now. The Unstoppable group if you are brand new to me and this orbit, it is a six month, intimate small group coaching program that focuses on stress, wellness, and weight loss specifically for the professional working mom who identifies as an overachiever, as a type a person, as a perfectionist, you are someone that isn't just interested in seeing pounds go down on the scale. You deeply want to create lasting habits that can stand the litmus test of your real life. And this is really important for me and my mission. I don't want you to just lose 10 pounds. Anyone can do that. We've all done it before, but if you notice that you lose 10 pounds and then you gain it back, likely you are missing a key skill or your strategy, your weight loss and wellness strategy is not addressing your holistic part. Like the whole is a whole part of your life. There's some part of your life. That is missing a key element of your strategy. And that is what we get together deeply together in this group. We take everything that you have been learning about on this podcast and we put it into active or real life implementation. It's a very intimate experience. Spots in this group are capped. They are already half full for January. And I want you to know that if this has been something you have been eyeing, you have been considering, maybe you've been a long time listener of the podcast, even thinking, you know, one day I'm going to work with Priyanka one day when I have proven myself one day, when I have more time one day, when my calendar can allow me to make space for this, I want you to know that this is that time. I don't want another year to pass for you. I don't want more time to pass for you where you could be up leveling your wellness and weight loss results. Because what I am finding with my clients that work with me and clients that are hitting goals, both on and off the scale, it doesn't just impact your weight loss results. The work we do together trickles into your relationships. It trickles into your marriage. It trickles into how you show up with your kids. It trickles into you in the workplace. It is the best work you will ever do. It is absolutely going to change your life. And I want to just encourage you, if you have been someone that thinks you need to wait or you somehow need to get results on your own first. I really want to encourage you to not do that. You don't have to guess or piecemeal your approach anymore. You can have a step by step guide with me as your coach in your corner to really customize your strategy. And walk you through to feeling better on and off the scale really flash forward six months from now, when most people have allowed their new year's resolutions to go by February or March, and you have stuck with it. You have learned key skills that you did not have. You address key parts of your strategy that likely were missing. And you are up to 30 pounds down on the scale, not just. Feeling better in your body, but really with these new skills and tools that are changing so many parts of your life. I know that your ultimate goal is not weight loss. If you're a professional woman, if you're a working mom, you have bigger dreams beyond the scale. So I want you to think about what would shift for you, the impact that would happen if you solved this problem once and for all, where would your time and energy and bandwidth be able to go in pursuing your real dreams as a professional woman. And for those of you that book your consult call this month and join the January cohort of the unstoppable group, I have a really, really, really special bonus, which is just for my clients only. It is the urges and cravings, a workshop, which we are doing together on December 16th. This is going to be a live training and workshop where we walk through where your urges and cravings are coming from and how to uplevel feeling better. And I'm talking like feeling better, joy, pleasure, connection, without simply relying on food and alcohol. Because if you want to feel better forever, if you want to create sustainable results on the scale and for your body, you have to know how to leverage your urges and cravings, your urges and cravings ever have to go away. You don't ever have to be. If you're afraid of having an urge to snack or grab a nibble of something, if it's off plan, it doesn't matter that you have urges and cravings, they're normal. This workshop is going to help guide you on how to think about urges and cravings as a super skill, as a siren song to feeling better. So that's happening on December 16th. If you know that you want to be in this group and you want to really leverage a lot of what we have been learning together, I strongly encourage you to grab your consult spot now and join the group before this workshop. You can head over to, and there's a button there, answer a few questions, grab a consult call time, and we'll discuss whether this is a group for you, if you don't see a time that works, just send us an email at info at the unstoppable mom, brain. com and we will take care of you. Okay. Now it's all my announcements. Let's get into one of my favorite concepts, which is talking about the ultimate reset.


    Hey, unstoppable friend. You're listening to the Burn Stress, Lose Weight Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Priyanka Venugopal, a physician turned a stress and weight loss coach for professional working moms. And the founder of The Burn Stress, Lose Weight, Feel Unstoppable small group coaching program. This podcast is going to inspire change at the root for you on and off the scale. I've lost a little over 60 pounds while being a busy physician mom with two young kids and an unpredictable schedule. And along my journey, which was full of many, many imperfect moments, I have learned how to skip past the fads and the gimmicks. I am on this mission now to share with you how you can have a real strategy and mindset skills to really have more of the life you want that you have worked so hard for. Let's get into it. I've shared this on the podcast before, but I love a good reset. Borderline, a little bit obsessed with them. That feeling of a fresh start or January 1st or Monday morning or a birthday opening up a brand new planner that has not been tainted with red marks. Or starting a new system or strategy. There is something about the newness of something, the newness of a fresh start or starting something that really hits the pleasure centers of our brain. And it makes a lot of sense, especially as overachievers who love Unblemished planners. We love perfect things. We love perfect execution. We love perfect results. It makes a lot of sense why we might especially love newness. It's this untainted, absolutely unmarked plan that is full of possibility. One of the things that I have realized [00:11:00] over my many years now of coaching overachievers literally in every industry is why it is that we love the fresh start. You know, when I think about January 1st and Monday morning or that brand new system or plan that I'm just cracking open for the first time, Why is it hitting the pleasure center of my brain? For some people, they might just be like, it's not a big deal. Like what's the difference? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, it's just a day of the week. Right. But for some of us overachievers type A and perfectionist personalities, there is something about the possibility. There's something about the possibility of results that are available. So when it is January 1st, or you're cracking open that brand new plan or that new system or strategy, there's a part of our brain. It is so subconscious that is actually flashing forward to six months or a year from now. It's imagining if I take. This untainted, perfect, brand new, fresh start. And I take it and I execute perfectly and I implement perfectly and I get perfect results. I will ultimately end up at my goal. So it's not actually January 1st or Monday morning. That's actually creating the dopamine hit for. People like us, it's actually that feeling of possibility, the possibility that actually this time, this time, this fresh start, this one might work. And I think it's really important that we start to discern the difference between January 1st or Monday morning or that birthday that you feel that kind of gust of activation energy and really what is actually triggering the dopamine hit for you. So not only does the newness feel good because we can forget about the past. We can forget about, you know, yesterday, last week, last month, last year's off plan moments and mistakes and pounds up on the scale. We can forget about all of the times that obstacles got in our way. We can forget about all the times that we deprioritize ourselves. We can forget about all those things when we sweep it under the rug and simply start with a fresh start. And there is something, especially for the overachiever, who likely has some self critical thoughts, some self judgment and some self blame to. really want to have the fresh start because it's not just that we went off plan or we made a mistake or we deprioritized our goals. It's that we have negative thoughts about ourselves for doing so. So not only is a fresh start filling our brain with possibility of newness, dopamine hit. Not only is it allowing us to forget yesterday's past mistakes and off plan moments. Dopamine hit. It's also giving us permission to let go of the criticism. Dopamine hit. So we can see why overachievers type A perfectionist type personalities love fresh starts.


    However, You knew that this was coming, that there was going to be a but. When we get fixed and borderline addicted to fresh starts, when we keep needing that gust of motivation, that gust of activation energy, that gust of fresh newness, our brain learns a couple of things. Number one, before we talk about what our brain even learns, we get stuck in a cycle. We go forward one step, But then back a step and then we go forward a step and then back a step. So maybe you lose five pounds, but then you hit an obstacle. You deprioritize your goal. You didn't learn some skills. Your strategy was missing something. We feel discouragement. And then instead of doing the work of understanding what took us off plan and solving for it, we were like, fresh start. So now we're starting from scratch, fresh starts. Why we stay in the cycle of, you know, up a pound, down a pound, up five, down five, up 10, down 10. Why is it that we stay in the cycle is because fresh starts are us starting from scratch again and again and again. So we never have an opportunity to make progress, hit an obstacle, learn from the obstacle and actually build momentum and build skills and actually have progress. The second thing that happens is we get stuck in the planning phase, the planning phase. Friends, because again, I have a VIP membership to the land of overachievers and perfectionists and type a personalities. We get stuck in the planning phase because planning and thinking about goals and thinking about the thinking and thinking about the planning feels.

    It's much more productive and it's much more comfortable than actually taking action. You'll know that this is you if you get stuck researching and thinking a little bit again and making a decision on a plan but then second guessing it or making a plan and then kind of renegotiating the plan in your mind again and again and again. And if you took a fine tooth comb, if you did a time inventory of how much time you Time and energy and bandwidth you're spending on the thinking, planning, researching, and second guessing phase, you would be blown away by how much time is actually being spent on that thinking phase, which is keeping you stuck on your wellness and weight loss journey. What ends up happening, this is something that I have found, personally experienced. So it feels like I'm calling you out. I want you to know that you're not alone. I have literally experienced this for years. I still do this to this day, not with weight loss, but in other goals that I have for myself. And so just knowing this is going to help you change it. I see this with my clients all the time. What ends up happening while you are stuck in the planning phase, while you get stuck in researching and thinking about thinking and thinking about the planning. You end up never deeply committing to one strategy, you never end up deeply committing and making decisive decisions and taking action on just one strategy. And so what ends up happening, there's a small part of your brain, it might be really subconscious, a small part of your brain, Already has preemptively built in an exit strategy. Your brain will start thinking, well, if this one doesn't work, I wonder what I'll try next. It is like just perpetually bouncing around, staying really surface level over a hundred different strategies. That constant reset, fresh start and plan hopping means that you keep just scratching the surface. You're never able to get deep and master one strategy. And I know this because I have literally done this. In so many areas of my life and especially with weight loss. This is why if you share a strategy that you have done, I have likely done it. It's because of this exact reason, name the app, name the program, name the way that you're trying to lose weight. I have likely tried it or dabbled with it. Because this used to be my M. O. when it came to wellness and weight loss. It is a very intoxicating alert to keep planning and researching. It feels very productive.

    It lights up that new part of your brain. Because remember, when you're planning, your brain is thinking about the possibility. It's thinking about like, if I just executed this plan perfectly, like it's going to be amazing. That is literally releasing dopamine and endorphins in your brain, which is why your brain keeps doing it. It's why you get stuck in planning. However, when we get stuck in this planning phase or constantly wanting the fresh start or the reset again and again and again, what ends up happening, the analogy that I like to think about is it's like you have your foot on the gas pedal and the brake. At the same time, it's no surprise that the car doesn't move anywhere. If you keep focusing on fresh starts and January 1st and Monday mornings, and wanting to ignore the past and start over again from scratch, here's what your brain also learns. Your brain learns that it cannot handle mistakes and off plan moments. It actually starts thinking. fearing mistakes. You start feeling like I can't trust myself. I don't know if I can ever solve this. And you'll know this because that will be a part of your story for how you approach weight loss. You never learn the skill of how to actually leverage mistakes and off plan moments. So you can never actually tweak your strategy. It makes sense that we keep staying addicted to fresh starts and brand new plans because we never learned the skill of actually evaluating off plan moments from a lens of curiosity. And this is what leads so many smart, brilliant overachievers to keep recreating the same mistakes again and again and again. And worse yet, not only number one, does this creates like a cycle of frustration on the scale where you go up five and down five and up five and down five, you feel a lot of frustration building and it hits your confidence and definitely your self trust. I know that a fresh start for you. feels really good in the moment. We've talked about why it is literally lighting up the dopamine centers of your brain. But the more fresh starts that you indulge in constantly again, and again, and again, the more your brain never learns to do the higher quality work of problem solving off plan moments. This is one of, in my opinion, the most unique elements of the unstoppable group. One of the things that I really love about what we do together in the unstoppable group is number one, we really craft a strategy to meet you where you are. It is very customized. It is very personalized. My eyes are on your work, which means you can have an unpredictable schedule. You can have, you know, a calendar full of meetings and work and kids activities. And we still will come up with a strategy that fits into your life. But the other piece that we have in the unstoppable group that I just think is we do this in spades is you learn how to have routine assessment be a part of your strategy. It's like brushing your teeth or showering. You brush your teeth and you shower every single day. But what I have found for most overachievers is most of us are missing the brushing and showering of our weight loss strategy. We have to build in routine assessment into the structure of your wellness and weight loss strategy so that we can leverage when you go off plan. Not if you go off plan, when you go off plan. Embarrassment, disappointment, discouragement, even shame can stop being the reason that you micro quit. It can stop being the reason that you throw in the towel, that you have screw it moments, and one minute or one meal or one day doesn't turn into many. And listen, because I've been on both sides of this, I know how hard this is to do on your own. Because you are your harshest critic. It is one of the very unique character traits of overachievers and type A perfectionists is we look at results or we look at imperfect execution and implementation, and we have a really hard time being curious with ourselves because we're in our own stuff. It's so easy to get into an echo chamber of your most limiting thoughts and your most limiting beliefs, which is why you end up really having some issues, stagnation on your wellness and weight loss goals. When clients come to work with me, they start to make massive pivots in this area. They learn how to, first of all, strategize and create structure that holistically addresses nutrition, guilt free rest. Play, movement, and mindset. So first of all, we have a strategy that really addresses your whole life as a busy professional mom. But then they also start to learn added skills that you do not learn anywhere else. My clients learn how to feel disappointment about an off plan moment. They learn from it and then they move on. This is how we build momentum together in The Unstoppable. I am literally obsessed with this concept because I see so, so, so many professional women who are stalling results on and off the scale because of imperfection.

    Maybe they didn't have a plan that was perfect or they didn't execute the plan perfectly. And so their results weren't perfect. And we have such convincing, compelling, and convenient stories that are like usually very, very dramatic that then drives us to further throw in the towel. One of my clients was sharing with me recently. She recently just hit her dream ideal weight. She is now in maintenance. And she was telling me after losing over 25, 30 pounds, that one of the pieces that led her to create so much self confidence and build her trust back because she didn't feel self trust when we first started working together, what helped her build back that confidence and trust was exactly this piece of the process was understanding how to assess off plan moments. Without criticism was to get coached on her mom, life, her work life, her strategy, the structure, when she deprioritized herself to get coached on those pieces, and then use that coaching to uplevel her strategy. She started to learn, Oh, wait a second. I have another 50, 60, 70 years here. I could go off, but I'm going to not, I might, I'm going to go off plan many times. The skill might be up many times. And if I. can feel confidence and trust that I can handle those moments with ease. That is what led her to feel confident. The best piece about this is not only do you start creating momentum with your weight loss results and your body goals, you start feeling better.

    You feel better when you learn how to stop hiding. You feel better when you stop being afraid of mistakes. You feel better when you build and grow Self trust, you feel better when you stop doing the fresh starts and actually lean into figuring out and problem solving off plan moments. You feel better because you learn skills that trickle into and ripple into every part of your life. And the best part, this is my personal favorite, you get to teach these skills to your kids. which to me is a life changer. So what does all of this have to do with the ultimate reset? Because as I was telling you at the start of this episode, I love a good reset. I love a January 1st. I love a Monday morning. There are two things that can be true at the same time. We can love a fresh start. We can let the pleasure centers of our brain light up with fresh starts in January 1st and Monday mornings. That is not a problem. We just don't want to over utilize and turn into constantly relying on fresh starts to take action. So number one, if you love a good fresh start, I'm here for you. I get it. It's normal. And also what I want to talk you through is my two step framework on how to think about the action. Ultimate reset so that you can start feeling better. Even before January 1st, the ultimate reset is understanding and learning how to reset on a Friday after you overate on date night or on a Saturday after maybe having too many mimosas at brunch. It is learning how to have an off plan moment. One off plan moment, one off plan meal, one off plan day, and resetting right after that moment. The ultimate reset is not waiting for New Year's. It's not waiting for Monday morning. It's not waiting for your next birthday. It's learning how to have that overindulgent off plan moment. Letting yourself feel that moment of, oh, that, that was terrible. Letting yourself even experience regret or disappointment or discouragement. But then letting yourself, giving yourself that moment. Truly unfettered permission to learn and move on. One of the things that I think is important because I'm talking about these two pieces, one is leveraging and enjoying resets. And the other one is knowing how to have an ultimate reset any day of the week. One of the things that I really like is strategically placing resets. Into your year. So in the unstoppable group, we actually do a quarterly, I call this like a quarterly reset, or we do a strategy call where we take the strategy of the past. We do a fine tooth assessment of it. What worked, what didn't work? Where were the gaps? And we recommit to our strategy. We make certain changes depending on the season, or maybe your kids sports activities have changed or something has changed. you know, is coming up for you and with work or with travel, we get to look at every quarter as a brand new fresh start. So we get to activate that part of our brain that wants to be lit up, the newness of a brand new quarter. However, I don't recommend that you do fresh starts more often than every quarter in rare scenarios. I recommend during the quarter that you take that plan, that strategy that you create, and now you commit to making it work.

    Now, this has a couple of caveats, because if your strategy sucks, if your strategy is missing really key pieces that are not addressing your real life, that are not addressing guilt free rest and play, most strategies that I'm finding on the internet that I find a lot of my clients are focusing on is, we look at just nutrition and exercise. And we think that if I have a nutrition plan and if I have an exercise plan, I'm going to lose the weight I want. In a vacuum, maybe yes, but the reason that these don't last. is because most overachievers are not addressing joy, relaxation, rest, play. They're not addressing that part of their life. And when you don't have a plan for those pieces of your life, your brain is brilliant. She's going to steal food and alcohol to fill the gap. So pick a weight loss strategy and a wellness strategy that has a holistic and comprehensive approach. We want to make you a fat burner. Super important. Your nutrition strategy has to be science informed. It makes you a fat burner, but also teaches you skills so that your results can last a lifetime, can stand the litmus test of your real life as a busy professional. Anyone can drop a few pounds on the scale, but if you want to keep it off, we have to learn the skill of emotional regulation. You have to know how to feel disappointed without throwing in the towel, without just quitting on your strategy. We have to have blame free, criticism free evaluation. And for most overachievers, this is just not a part of your toolbox. My experience is having a coach walk you through this process, will collapse the timeline on you feeling better, and really show you what you're not able to see on your own. Here's what happens when you do this. When you have an approach that allows you to have a reset when you need it strategically, not just random, but strategic resets. And at the same time, it teaches your brain how to feel disappointed when you go off plan and just have an ultimate reset any day of the week. Here's what happens. Your brain learns number one, that you don't have to be afraid of mistakes anymore. Because you're going to learn how to learn from them. Your brain learns that off plan moments are normal because you're not a robot and you're a human, you're going to have off plan moments. Your brain learns how to stop being afraid of a feeling. Your brain learns how to not make disappointment or discouragement or embarrassment or shame or frustration, stop you or slow you down from hitting your wellness goal.

    You learn how to actually evaluate with curiosity. There is so many nuggets of wisdom every time you go off plan. And if we can learn this skill, this is something we can teach our children. Because I promise you, our children are going to have failures. They're not going to make the soccer team. They're not going to get the A on every test. They're not going to be invited to every birthday party. Imagine that we could walk our children through the experience of disappointment and discouragement and embarrassment and shame and frustration. and rejection. Imagine that we could walk them through that experience because we are doing this work too. Your brain learns how to make strategic pivots rather than focusing on fresh starts and new plans and basically starting from scratch again. This is harder work. I'm just going to, this is honest, it's harder work. It's going to learn how to do the harder, deeper works. You stop scratching the surface and you really start mastering one skill. The best part is when you do this, when you really focus on what the ultimate reset is all about, which is resetting any day of the week, you start taking more action. When you start taking action, you stop waiting for it the next Monday morning or the next January 1st or the next birthday. When you start taking action now, you're paving the path to be able to be up to 30 pounds down in six months. You can be at your goal by this time next year. So my friends, it starts with understanding the ultimate reset can start. Literally today, repeat this again and again and again. It's not always easy, but it will be simple. You will rewire your brain with new habits. So rather than being stuck up five and down five, up with your frustration and down with the frustration, you will start actually making progress on feeling better on and off the scale. I hope you loved this concept that you start incorporating the ultimate reset for yourself this week. And if you know that you want to get started on this work, I don't want you to wait for January 1st, be someone that starts hitting goals. So when everyone else is thinking about new year's resolutions and what they're going to do for their fitness and health goals, you have already started making headway.

    Head over to so you can book a consult call with me and let's get you into the group claim. One of those spots early and make sure that you go and grab the hormones training. It is so good. It's going to teach you really specific strategies on how to up level your wellness starting today. You can grab that over at If you love this episode, share it with a friend, and I hope you have an amazing week. Thanks for spending this time with me on the Burn Stress, Lose Weight podcast today. I hope that you are leaving today's podcast episode feeling a little lighter and more inspired than when we started. It turns out, that you don't need to have a stress free life to hit your goals on and off the scale. But when you feel more empowered to respond to your real life stresses with true strategy, we will game change how we show up and how we hit our goals. If you want to take what you're learning here on the podcast and put it into real life implementation, it might be time for us to work together in the burn stress Lose Weight Feel Unstoppable Group Coaching Program. Head over to and you can learn all of the details, the nuts, the bolts, when the next group is starting and exactly how you can join. Okay, friend, I'll see you next time.


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