I know, you've lost weight before.

You've lost weight before, but it didn't stick. When life felt stressful, overwhelming (or even just moments of boredom!) the progress you worked hard for slips away...
Inconsistent results on the scale leave you more frustrated and at the whim of your busy life. Your go-to-buckle-down approach that worked in your 20's is starting to feel old.
You're a smart, professional working mom and know you can do hard things. You feel ready for a new and lasting approach to hitting your personal body goals that can stand the litmus test of your real life so you can feel in control of your results on and off the scale.
The reality is, just being smart isn't enough to lose the weight you want.

Julie, Physician | Podcast Ep 59
"All my life as a physician and mom was me trying to do everything perfectly well. It was a huge reason I overate, which I discovered. in coaching. I thought I just loved the flamin' hots.
I thought I could do it on my own by listening to the podcast, but actually getting coached is completely different experience. Hearing other people's coaching was normalizing and I experienced such open support. The difference for me as been the coaching, specifically the way you coach."

The UNSTOPPABLE approach.
Inside the Burn Stress, Lose Weight, Feel Unstoppable Group coaching program we utilize a 3 Step Framework to address the essential elements of sustainable weight loss results that will last a lifetime.
This is the part of the strategy you might find yourself spending the most amount of time: prepping, planning and researching. But without a science-backed nutrition strategy you'll find yourself in a sea of confusing information unsure of exactly what to do.
Proper Planning is the first part of our 3-step strategy that teaches you a simple + repeatable decision making process to make you a fat burner, heal your metabolism and re-vitalize how you feel energetically, so you can lose weight while feeling satisfied.
You don't need willpower to "buckle down" on your plan.
Execution Consistency is part of the process that teaches you how to stay on track with your fat-burning plan, even in moments of stress, boredom and overwhelm with tools to guide you through real life challenging moments.
A random pound up on the scale or off plan moment can stop following you around like a black cloud.
Iteration Capacity is the ability to catch off plan moments with an objective assessment tool so you can LEARN from your off plan moments without self-blame or criticism. This one tool will create bigger results on and off the scale and will be a skill set you can model and teach your children.

Adrienne, Veterinarian | Podcast Ep 23
"I thought there has to be a group of women who feel what I feel. In our written coaching things came up that were below the surface for decades... and I had no idea it existed. People ask me how I've lost weight and I tell them-- oh it's Coaching."
You will be so forever happy with the decision to get Coached with a fellow group of Unstoppable Moms. I don't want to go corny, but it will change your life. My life has been changed, I'm so grateful."
You have a strategy problem and it's not your fault.
And no amount of overworking, planning, buckling down, fresh starts, do-overs, calorie tracking apps, nutritionists or accountability buddies will fill the missing gap.

Hi, I'm Dr. Priyanka Venugopal
A few years ago, I was tipping the scale at over 200 lbs and I felt FRUSTRATED.
Despite being a board certified ObGyn physician (literally an expert on women's health) I didn't feel in control of my own body. I kept wondering WHY I couldn't consistently lose the weight I wanted to and maintain my results, despite being a fairly disciplined and resourceful person in every other area of my life.
After years of fads, gimmicks and quick fixes I decided to take this goal more seriously. I put in the effort to understand fat-burning nutrition science plus the mindset skills for consistent execution to create a healthy lifestyle that could last a lifetime.
I lost a little over 60 lbs without crazy exercise plans or fad diets while living my real life as a busy professional physician with two young kids.
I'm on a mission to help you do it too with a comprehensive approach you can feel proud to model to your kiddos.
You're ready for calm and steady on and off the scale so you feel Unstoppable.

Burn Stress Lose Weight
Group Coaching Program
A 6 month small group coaching program specifically crafted for professional working moms who self-identify as overachievers. Whether you have 5 pounds to lose or over 50, this group will help you become a fat burner while navigating your life stresses, through simple science-backed strategy.

Dr. Emily Heasley
ObGyn Physician
[Podcast Ep 73]
"I used to do mostly calorie counting but I knew I didn't want to do that forever... what changed is I made this a priority. I zoned in on why I wanted this and then I started seeing results.
I'm making the same number of decisions, but I have less decision fatigue and I wake up better rested. It doesn't take much time, I spend about 5-10 minutes per day. I have so much more time because I'm not worrying or ruminating about this anymore."

Anjali Kumar Kurani
[Podcast Ep 58]
"I remember telling you 'I know exactly what to do, I'm not confused but don't do it' then I said rhetorically-- who does that??' You made me answer the question.
I am a plan chaser, I have an email full of PDFs. The surprising thing is the plan has been secondary, it is actually fun and unique to me-- I have such flexibility and now I know it wasn't about the food.
This is the plan to end all plans."

Dr. Diana Pfeil
[Podcast Ep 76]
"The way you talk about weight loss really resonated.I used to hate my weight loss process, that is what you do differently-- we have to love the way we eat while becoming a fat burner, which has been huge for me.
I feel confident because I hit so many obstacles along the way and learned how to overcome them. That is what is so different about this process and why I feel confident at my goal weight."
The Process
Nutrition Science meets Mindset Coaching.
Module 1: How to Properly Goal Set
Module 2: How to Become a Fat Burner
Module 3: How to Stop Emotional Eating
Module 4: How to Stay Motivated
Module 5: How to Handle Mistakes without Drama
You don't need more time to solve this problem.
But with the right strategy that brings together fat-burning science and mindset skills for sustainability you're going to save HOURS of time every week, finally free of frustration.
Features Inside
The Group.

Live Weekly Coaching
6 months of live weekly coaching every Wednesday where we coach on any topic that is touching your life as a busy, professional woman. We address topics that touch on time, mom-life, work, relationships, hitting goals and more.

Daily Written Coaching
Personalized coaching and feedback with high touch support available on a daily basis.
Get your questions answered and feedback in real time.

On Demand Curriculum
Robust video curriculum that teaches the science, skills and strategy in a step-by-step process you can watch on demand the moment you enroll.

Tailored Action Plan
We'll work together to create a simple, repeatable action plan that addresses nutrition, execution and iteration with a strategy that fits into YOUR life.
Based on your specific goals, we'll customize which tools you use to take the most efficient approach to you hitting your goals.

We have a slew of bonus courses and trainings in The Library you can watch on-demand.
- Creating More Time
- Past Masterclasses
- Priyanka's Video Diary (30 days to lose 8 lbs)
- Special Guest Coaches
- Vacation Video Series

Call Replays
Can't make it to our weekly coaching call live, or have to miss a week because you're traveling?
No worries, we've got you. Catch the call replays in our video library or through the convenience of our private podcast. The moment you join The Group you'll unlock all of our past call replays.
"I have lost 25.9 lb since beginning Unstoppable. I am no longer considered obese. I am so proud of myself, and that’s not something I really would have said to myself before Unstoppable.
I acknowledge the work that I have put in to make my new habits a reality and the effort it has taken to bring my weight loss into a reality. It makes me so excited to know that I have these skills.
I'm now below my pre-baby weight, which feels really amazing. The most powerful thoughts I now believe is I can do this and I can keep it off.
It is so energizing.
I appreciate that I can live my life without restriction. One of my favorite parts about Coaching was celebrating my wins, which really fostered how proud I am of myself. It was so unexpected for me to realize how easy it could be to lose weight and listen to my body."
- Samantha
1 Payment
3 Payments
6 Payments
"I had tried and tried to do it myself but I needed something for me....
as opposed to for the kids and for work.
It was scary knowing I could fail again-- but I was ready, like let's do this give me the homework! Honestly to wear clothes I haven't been able to wear feels really, really good. It feels like I have a whole new wardrobe.
Embracing in my bones this was for the long haul, not a diet. This was real and perfection isn't real.
If I don't this, nothing else was going to work better. The stars aligned, the Universe had spoken, this was the right time."
- Annalisa, Veterinarian